Cris DuvalJan 32 min readHOW TO PROMOTE WELLNESS IN YOUR DENTAL PRACTICECris Duval, CEO of The LifeGuard Approach, talks with Gary about why dentists should promote wellness rather than only treat sickness.
The LifeGuard ApproachMar 2, 20233 min readTAKE TIME TO PROTECT YOUR PATIENTS DURING THEIR CLEANING VISITTaking the time to listen to your patients and perform screenings will improve their health and your dental practice.
The LifeGuard ApproachSep 29, 20223 min readFROM STRESS TO SATISFACTION AS A HYGIENISTDentistry has always been a stressful occupation; however, burnout is causing dental practices to suffer.
The LifeGuard ApproachMay 24, 20222 min readHYGIENIST COACHING: TIPS FOR HELPING YOUR PATIENTS THROUGH DENTAL ANXIETYFear of the dentist and dental anxiety is very real and something every LifeGuard should be on the lookout for.
Cris DuvalOct 26, 20215 min readGETTING YOUR SHIFT TOGETHER: CHANGING THE MINDSET OF THE TRADITIONAL ROLE OF A HYGIENISTIf you shift your way of thinking and your message, you will have time to screen patients at every hygienist visit.